Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Probably a predictable response

Yeah so underground comics, right...  I thought there was a rather uncomfortable silent though a lot of class today and I can't help but think maybe the creators of these comic would be proud of that fact.

By nature ComiZ aren't meant to be easy to shallow. There are mention to be a kind of middle figure to anything the creators didn't care for at the time.  Some of it may seem to be gross, unpleasant horror for the sake of being awful and in some case it was. But it was meant to go to place no one else was really going to at the time.  It needed to completely counterculture to work.

Okay so I knew a little about underground comics before hand so I kind of knew what we were getting into.  So I was expecting the graphic, "edgy high school boys notebook" kind of thing. So about three pdfs in I found myself feeling not being able to relate in the slights at all to any of this, so being an asexual panromantic I was hoping the "Gay comics" could give something I could enjoy on a little more personal level. And they didn't disappoint, not only did I find them nicer to look at with more relatable stories and but also for the most part simply more pleasant.  I'm not sure if everyone who looked that issue felt the same but I certainly did.

But that's probably prove that they were doing their job as underground comics.

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