Sunday, January 17, 2016

Understanding Comics-Scott McCloud Post

So I was pretty familiar with Scott McCloud's work,  I have a copy of "Making Comics" that he wrote after "Understanding Comics". I've had that book since late middle school so I've read it though a few times at different points of my life. while a lot of it went over my 14 year old head at the time, I still consider it a good read now.

  Now "Understanding Comic" is a little different since it's more understanding how comics work as a concept rather that how to they "work" per say.  It seemed to me, to be very wordy and hard to understand at times. A lot of this stuff to my brain comes as second nature as someone who has read comics though most of my life.  So it took me back to read some of the stuff about things like panel to panel transitions. The fact that things happen in between panels or that they change seemed obvious but seeing it laid out some helpful and got me to think about how panels work and how people viewed it without a lifetime of comic reading.  The part about the idea of "cartooning" as a way of seeing or as presenting an idea or concept. At first read I founded this kind of hard to comprehend. Of course the lines and shape made by ink and pencil are simply abstracts of reality but I'm not sure if our connection with them are compactly self made, if that makes sense. The panels about how if you look at the realist drawing of a face you see another face but when you see a cartoon face you see yourself made sense to me but I have a hard time figuring why that made sense to me.

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