Monday, March 21, 2016

The fully loaded R-word

Oh boy, one of the big loaded topic of comics pretty much all media really representation.

It's hard for me personally to believe that stereotypes are "necessary" in media, comics other wise. It's always to me seems to be an easy and quick out into creating and writing a character.  Why spent countless hours trying to create a character when you can fill in a few mental blanks?  Need to have give your hero a best friend while also adding some minorities to your comic so you don't get called out for having no speaking characters of color, Add in "Cool but not cooler then the hero, Black best friend." Give him and few one lines and boom! Done.    Need a villain that isn't american or rich? Add vague Muslim terrorist,   Want to add a "Strong female lead" to your story, well just make her wore tight pants, carry a weapon,  and every once in while have her make some comment about she isn't like other woman, give her a tragic backstory about either losing her father, or if you want to go for the "mature edgy" look, give her a rape or abuse themed backstory

Easy, right?  Everyone has done it so it can't fail, right?

Okay, I mau have gone over board but I think one of the best things say in this week's class is that most stereotypes don't tell us anything about the person being stereotyped. It tells about how the person doing the stereotyping.  While becoming the biggest point.

If stereotype isn't telling us anything then why use it at all??

When people ask for  representation in media they aren't looking for you to mark off a checklist of minorities and special groups.  They asking for a well made characters who are refections of what our lives are.

It doesn't matter if you have female characters in your story, if you don't do anything with them but write them into romance drama. It doesn't matter if you have a black character in the story if they just there to fill a spot or give the "Urban point of view" and that's it.  It doesn't matter if you have a fat character, if all you do is use them as a joke.  It doesn't matter if you have a gay character, if you kill them off before you get to your first final.

Write character as people, not as puppets. 

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